Friday, September 16, 2016

Hezbollah denied access to witnesses: STL investigator

Sep. 16, 2016 Ned Whalley| The Daily Star
An investigator at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon detailed how Hezbollah stonewalled attempts by prosecutors to interview individuals with connections to the organization.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Sentencing judgment in the case against Mr Ibrahim Al Amin and Akhbar Beirut S.A.L

Leidschendam, 29 August 2016 – The Contempt Judge at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon sentenced Mr Ibrahim Al Amin to a 20,000 Euro fine and Akhbar Beirut to a 6,000 Euro fine.
The sentencing judgment in the case against Mr Ibrahim Al Amin and Akhbar Beirut (STL-14-06) was delivered today, in a public hearing. Prior to the deliberations, both the Amicus Curiae Prosecutor and the Defence Counsel presented their arguments on sentencing before Judge Nicola Lettieri.
The Contempt Judge ordered that both fines be paid in full by 30 September 2016.
Judge Lettieri also stated that written reasons for his decision will follow as soon as practicable.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Contempt Judge finds Akhbar Beirut S.A.L and Ibrahim al Amin guilty for interfering with the administration of justice

Leidschendam, 15 July 2016 –The Contempt Judge at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Nicola Lettieri, has issued a Judgment in the contempt case against Akhbar Beirut S.A.L and Mr Ibrahim al Amin (STL 14-06) during a public hearing today.
Reading a summary of the judgment, Judge Lettieri found both Accused guilty of one count as set out in the Order in Lieu of an Indictment for knowingly and wilfully interfering with the administration of justice by publishing information on purported confidential witnesses in the Ayyash et al. case, thereby undermining public confidence in the Tribunal's ability to protect the confidentiality of information about, or provided, by witnesses or potential witnesses.
The Contempt Judge also ordered that a sentencing hearing be held on a date to be determined and invited the Accused to attend the Sentencing hearing.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Appeals Chamber orders termination of the proceedings against Mustafa Badreddine without prejudice

Leidschendam, 11 July 2016 – The Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon issued a decision today in which it reverses the Trial Chamber's interim decision that "it did not believe sufficient evidence has yet been presented to convince it that the death of Mr Mustafa Amine Badreddine has been proven to the requisite standard."
By majority, the Appeals Judges found that there was sufficient evidence presented before the Trial Chamber to prove the death of Mr Badreddine.
The Appeals Chamber ordered the Trial Chamber to terminate the proceedings against Mustafa Badreddine, without prejudice to resume the proceedings should evidence that he is alive be adduced in the future.
The trial in the Prosecutor vs Ayyash et al. case can then proceed against the remaining four accused.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

STL Judges: trial continues pending further information on the death of Mustafa Badreddine

Leidschendam, 1 June 2016 - In an oral decision issued today, the STL Trial Chamber decided that trial in the Ayyash et al. case will continue pending the receipt of further information from the government of Lebanon regarding the death of the Accused Mustafa Amine Badreddine. The Judges do not believe that sufficient evidence has yet been presented to convince them that the death of Mr Badreddine has been proved.
The Trial Chamber noted that the Prosecution has outstanding requests for assistance sent to the government of Lebanon seeking further information relating to what happened to Mr Badreddine and is awaiting responses.
The three Judges who constitute the Trial Chamber have made this decision by majority, with one dissenting opinion.
The Trial Chamber will also review any additional material and re-evaluate the material already submitted in due course. A fully-reasoned written decision will follow as soon as practicable.